Job Shadowing is a structured Career Exploration activity in which a student is paired with and observes the workday of a business partner, interacts with his or her clients or customers and attends meetings and other appointments with the person they are shadowing.
Designed to help students explore a field of interest while developing research skills and building occupational knowledge, job shadowing is conducted at the workplace and occurs over most of the workday.
Virtual Note: Job shadowing does not lend itself to virtual activities.
Job shadowing is one activity in the continuum of authentic work-based experiences provided to all students engaged in career-related programs or course of study in New York City Public Schools.
Job Shadowing Activities are recognized as an “Accepted and Valid WBL ACTIVITY” by NYSED and the New York City Public Schools for specific credit purposes.
Job shadowing does not lend itself to virtual activities.
*In New York State, this includes certified work-based learning coordinators and others who facilitate, arrange and support work-based learning activities for students.